5 Tips for Durham Teachers Coming Back from Winter Break

Students in Durham Public Schools (including mine) are gearing up to return to the classroom after the winter break. So what are some things teachers can do as children come back from a few weeks away from structured learning? I did some digging and came up with five possibilities.
- Plan something to look forward to: Start the post-break period with an exciting activity or project to engage students and generate enthusiasm about returning to school.
- Set goals: Encourage students to set personal and/or academic goals for the new year. It’s a lot like the resolutions adults put forth, but hopefully with more reliable follow-through! This can help them focus and give a sense of direction and purpose.
- Reinforce classroom routines: Review and reinforce routines and expectations to reestablish a structured environment.
- Provide socialization time: Allow time for students to share their holiday experiences and reconnect with their peers.
- Positive reinforcement: Emphasize the use of positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and classroom participation. Recognize and praise students’ efforts to realign with school norms.
Got any ideas you’d like to share? Feel free to comment or send email to southpointaccessnews@gmail.com.
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