Politicians, relatives, Durham Public Schools staff, and the builders that took Murray-Massenburg Elementary School from a plan on paper to a high-tech reality in South Durham gathered Oct. 8 for a ribbon cutting
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In the 14th episode of To the Point, Wes Platt, editor and publisher of Southpoint Access, talks about the motivations behind third-party voting ahead of the start of early voting for
Sept. 23, 2024
* Marquis A. Sinclair, 40. Funeral service planned for 1 p.m. on Oct. 12 at Holloway Memorial Funeral Home in Durham.
Sept. 25, 2024
* Larry Blassingame, 62. Arrangements are incomplete.
The following new businesses registered with North Carolina’s Secretary of State website from Sept. 19 and Oct. 3 in the 27517, 27707, and 27713 zip codes:
Sept. 19
* Absolute Triangle Remodel and
Southpoint Access provides subscribers with the most recent reports of children born to parents in Durham.
Sept. 27
* Benjamin Alexander Boucher. Born at 7:44 p.m. at Duke Regional Hospital to Jason