Durham schools using the new responsibility zones – areas where school bus service is discontinued, leaving families to rely on carpool, bicycles, or walking – apparently have managed the first 10 days without any crises.
In December 2024, a hacker got into PowerSchool’s system, which potentially exposed Social Security numbers, names of minors, and medical and disciplinary information. Durham Public Schools indicated that it appeared more likely that some staff data may have been exposed in the breach.
School transportation leaders are set to give an update to the Durham Public Schools Board of Education. Plus, The Makery's coming to Boxyard RTP, there's a new episode of SoDu We Like Local News, and Jordan High School athletes celebrated signing day!
The site, geared toward elementary-aged children, tweens, and teens, will allow participants to work with simple materials or 3D printers and robotics to immerse themselves in maker education.