Brickworks, Community Needs Hearing on Durham Council Agenda
Dan Jewell of Thomas & Hutton wants a zoning map change for 95.48 acres bounded by Hoover and Angier roads, Ashe Street, U.S. Highway 70/Interstate 885, and East End Avenue for as many as 1,880 residential units and 49,500 square feet of non-residential development.

A massive new development project known as Brickworks is up for discussion during tonight's Durham City Council meeting.
Consent Agenda
- 2024 General Obligation Bond Referendum: Amendments to the FY2025 Capital Improvement Plan will be considered to incorporate funds from the bond referendum.
- Fire Department Equipment Upgrade: Approval of a $3.56-million contract for purchasing self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBAs) for the Fire Department.
- Education-to-Career Initiative Funding: A $150,000 grant agreement with Made in Durham to support programs aiding youth transitions from education to employment.
- Bridge Professional Services Contract Amendment: An increase of $181,691.50 for ongoing bridge project services, raising the total contract value to $773,691.50.
- Utility Locate Services Contract: A $515,000 contract with KCI Associates to provide utility locate services in 2025.
- Sidewalk Repairs Contract: Authorization of a $1.99-million contract with Browe Construction for sidewalk repairs in 2025, including a $100,000 contingency fund.
- Hillandale Road Bike and Pedestrian Improvements: A contract amendment of $35,559.61 with DRMP, Inc., increasing the total to $736,118.01, to support enhancements on Hillandale Road.
- OnBase Agenda Workflow Enhancement: A $97,629.95 contract with Naviant, Inc., to improve the city’s agenda management system.
- Enterprise Resource Planning Upgrade: A significant $5.8-million contract with Applications Software Technology, LLC, to modernize the city’s resource planning systems.
- Street Impact Fee Allocation: Various transportation projects, including bike lanes, sidewalks, and traffic signals, were deemed eligible for funding from impact fees tied to new construction.
- Federal Transit Grant: Adoption of a grant ordinance to enhance mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities through Federal Transit Administration funds.
- Heavy-Duty Support Truck Purchase: Approval of a $1.53-million contract with Sutphen Corporation for a mobile air and light-support truck.
- Candidate Filing Fees: Adoption of an ordinance to establish filing fees for candidates running for municipal office.
General Business Agenda
- Appointing a new member of the Durham Planning Commission for a post that expires on June 30, 2026. Candidates up for consideration include: flight paramedic Evan Bradley, software engineer Phillip Green, Teamworks co-founder Mitch Heath, environmental scientist Caitlin Kempski, healthcare professional Corrie E. Piontak, environmental equity community consultant Ramsey Ritchie, product manager Jacob Severn, and scientist Michael J. Young.
- Considering authorization for the city manager to execute a subrecipient agreement with Eckerd Youth Alternatives Inc. to continue implementing the Partners for Reentry Opportunities in Workforce Development Program for the Durham Workforce Development Board through June 30, 2025.
Public Hearings
- Brickworks: Dan Jewell of Thomas & Hutton wants a zoning map change for 95.48 acres bounded by Hoover and Angier roads, Ashe Street, U.S. Highway 70/Interstate 885, and East End Avenue for as many as 1,880 residential units and 49,500 square feet of non-residential development.
- Davis Park West: Patrick Byker of Morningstar Law Group requests a zoning map change for 10.847 acres at 350 and 362 Davis Drive and 900 Merrion Avenue to amend two design commitments approved by the City Council in 2019. This would allow for structure parking and office uses on the ground floor, in addition to commercial and residential uses.
- Public “needs” hearing for 5-year consolidated plan and FY 2025-2026 Annual Action Plan: Related to housing and community development needs in Durham, gathering citizen comments on how Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds could be used during the next five years.
- Ellis D. Jones and Sons Funeral Home economic development project: Ellis D. Jones and Sons seeks an economic development incentive agreement with the city to receive as much as $250,000 to renovate a 4,732 square foot building at 419 Dowd St.
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