Memo: DPS Financial Officer Proposed Cuts to Help Fund Pay Discrepancy

This story is developing. More information will be added as it becomes available.
Durham Public Schools would’ve cut all federal ESSER-funded positions and slashed “over utilized allocations at the schools” to help free up funds to cover the millions needed to cover the cost of the classified worker pay increase.
That’s the plan former Chief Financial Officer Paul LeSieur pitched to then-Superintendent Pascal Mubenga in a Nov. 8, 2023. The memo was released by DPS officials based on a public records request from Southpoint Access.
LeSieur proposed the idea in a memo after discovering that the district had shared incorrect calculations for what it would cost to implement salaries for classified workers based on their total experience (rather than just at DPS).
“Attached you will find a copy of the increased cost and the revenues we will use to cover the salary study implementation,” LeSieur wrote. “As we move forward into FY 2024-25, we as a district will need to look for cost savings, and ensure all ESSER positions are eliminated at June 30th, remove over utilized allocations at the schools, and look at our budgets to eliminate contracts and expenses that will free up funds to ensure the utmost funds are available above in (sic) beyond to ensure the success of the market study implemented by Durham Public Schools for the first time ever, making us a competitive school system in the area.”
He wrote that the district would have to revisit funding needs from the Durham County Commission, but seek savings locally to “ensure our solvency as a great school system.”
“Cost cutting has not been something we have done in Durham, but in these times and desire to be the best, this is what it will take,” LeSieur wrote.
The cuts would’ve included positions funded under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Fund established during the COVID-19 pandemic to safely reopen schools after lockdowns and remote learning.
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