Durham City Offices Closing on Veterans Day

Durham City Offices Closing on Veterans Day

Most City of Durham offices, including City Hall and all non-emergency facilities, will close Monday, Nov. 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Solid Waste Services

The Solid Waste Management Department will also close Nov. 11, delaying curbside garbage, recycling, and yard waste collection by one business day. Friday yard waste customers will receive service on Monday, Nov. 18. The Waste Disposal and Recycling Center, Yard Waste Facility, and Household Hazardous Waste Center will reopen Tuesday, Nov. 12. Residents can sign up for collection alerts through the Durham Rollout smartphone app.

Parks and Recreation

Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR) will close its administrative offices and facilities on Nov. 11. For program information, visit the DPR website or call 919-560-4355.

Downtown Parking

On-street parking and city-owned lots and garages will be free on Nov. 11. Check the Special Event Parking Calendar for scheduled events where the $7 parking rate applies.

GoDurham and GoDurham ACCESS

GoDurham and GoDurham ACCESS will operate regular weekday services.

Durham One Call

Durham One Call will be closed, with service requests forwarded to appropriate departments on the next business day.

For water and sewer emergencies, call the after-hours number at 919-560-4344.