Durham Planning Commission Agenda: New Townhouses, Caring House Expansion, and More

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Development of 126 apartments in a former Extended Stay America hotel, townhouse projects on Doc Nichols Road and Leesville Road, and the expansion of Caring House are among the items on the agenda for a Sept. 10 meeting of the Durham Planning Commission.
Public hearings scheduled during the meeting include:
- Tim Sivers of Qunity has proposed changing the zoning for about 3.8 acres of land on Leesville Road to planned development residential from residential rural for the Tri-Creek project, which would include up to 20 townhouses.
- Steve Gilooly of Gilooly Realty has proposed changing the zoning for about 4.5 acres of land on Doc Nichols Road from residential rural to planned development residential for the Doc Nichols Towns project, which would include up to 25 townhouses.
- Tarek Shaer of Urbanest Group has proposed changing the zoning for about 2.4 acres along N.C. Highway 55 to planned development residential from office and institutional. The developer wants to convert the defunct Extended Stay America hotel into up to 126 Vivo Living multifamily units. They’ve got a similar project planned near the Harris Teeter at Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and University Drive.
- Sasha Zarzour of Caring House has proposed amending the development plan for about four acres along Pickett Road to allow for the expansion of Caring House, providing more multifamily housing for Duke Cancer Center patients and their families.

- Kenneth Haywood of Howard Stallings Law Firm has proposed changing an acre of right-of-way on Constitution Drive near NC Highway 751 from county to city jurisdiction.

The meeting is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. in the first-floor council chamber at City Hall in downtown Durham.