Durham Planning Committee Agenda Includes New Development Cases

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The Joint City-County Planning Committee will hear about several new growth management cases during its meeting at City Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 2. No action is expected to be taken on these cases during the meeting.
The cases under review include:
- Durham Gateway at Brier Creek, which would rezone from residential rural and commercial general to planned development residential and industrial light to accommodate 1,750 residential units (apartments, townhouses, detached rowhouses, and single-family homes) and 985,000 square feet of light industrial development. Of the residential units, 175 would be set aside as income-restricted to 80% of AMI (average median income) for 10 years. The proposal was submitted in May. It’s located on 309 acres at Leesville Road and U.S. Highway 70.

- Page Corners, which would rezone 7.6 undeveloped acres from residential rural and commercial center to planned development residential for 160 affordable housing units at 60% AMI. The application was submitted in June. The project would be at the corner of Page and Chin Page roads.

- Courtyards at Oak Grove, which would rezone 22.5 acres from residential rural to planned development residential to allow for construction of 67 townhouses and single-family homes. The application was submitted in August. It’s located at Kinard and Doc Nichols roads.

- 4802 Cheek Road, which would rezone nearly 70 acres from residential rural to planned development residential for up to 201 residential units (townhouses and single-family homes) outside the current Urban Growth Boundary. The application was submitted in August. Simultaneously, a petition has been submitted to annex the property into the city limits.

- 3815 Wake Forest Highway, which would rezone almost 11 acres from commercial neighborhood and residential suburban to planned development residential for 200 apartments and townhouses. The application was submitted in August. The project would be along Wake Forest Highway, west and south of Valleydale Drive, east of the shopping center at North Mineral Springs Road, and across the street from Oak Grove Elementary School.

The meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. in the committee room at 101 City Hall Plaza.