Future Durham School Therapists May Earn Less

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Therapists hired by Durham Public Schools could earn $5,000 less each year, if the Board of Education approves the recommended classified salary schedule developed by consultant Eyrie Success, LLC.
The salary schedule is on the agenda for a special meeting tonight. District officials insist that the pay changes contained in the schedule won’t affect current employees or their paychecks.
“No current employee is receiving a decrease in pay,” said Crystal Roberts, director of strategic communications for the district.
Earlier today, DPS staff received an email from the administration explaining the proposed salary schedules:
- They were created in alignment with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s salary scales and fall within the state’s recommended minimum and maximum salaries for positions.
- They’re customized for DPS and will apply to employees “hired after approval of this matter” by the board.
- They were developed independent of previous recommendations.
- The methodology used to develop the salary schedules is expected to ensure consistency to maintain fiscal responsibility and sustain future salaries.
Salaries for current DPS classified employees should remain the pay rate communicated in the salary projection tool shared on June 13. All employees get a state-legislated 3% increase.
“Your current salary will not match the rate in the proposed salary schedule,” the district email stated. “DPS will honor its commitment to employees and your paycheck will reflect what was shared” in the tool.
The email also indicated that Superintendent Dr. Anthony Lewis is appointing an employee task force to ensure accountability around compensation decisions.
The board meeting tonight will be shown on Facebook and YouTube.