Historic Durham Library Reopens Next Month

The Stanford L. Warren library branch, closed in 2021 to undergo extensive repairs after water intruded into the building, is set to reopen on Dec. 12.
The Board of County Commissioners in October 2023 approved an additional $1.9 million for interior renovations. During the closure, county and library leaders met with the community in “visioning sessions” at W.D. Hill Recreation Center and at the main library branch downtown. That feedback indicated a need for new technology and other improvements.
Interior work has included new furniture, informational displays, and art.

The historic library, originally known as the Durham Colored Library when it opened in 1940, was built on land purchased with money donated by Dr. Stanford L. Warren. Warren served as president of the Durham Colored Library Board of Trustees. It replaced the original Durham Colored Library that opened in 1916 under the guidance of Dr. Aaron Moore and John Merrick – only the second Black library in North Carolina.
The library is at 1201 Fayetteville Street, on GoDurham bus routes 5 and 8. Festivities begin at 10 a.m. on Dec. 12.
Southpoint Access Editor and Publisher Wes Platt can be reached at southpointaccessnews@gmail.com or 407-616-1346.