Want to help remodel the teachers' lounge at Hope Valley Elementary School? Chip in to the annual Boosterthon fundraiser, which aims for the goal of $25,000 to help with remodeling and assisting families with challenges related to the new "family responsibility zones."
Sign up at mybooster.com. Students of families that sign up by Feb. 6 get to wear pajamas to school on Feb. 7. Contributions can be made via mybooster.com or directly to the Hope Valley Elementary PTA via cash or check (written to HVE PTA) in the PTA box inside the school's main entrance.
The main event day is set for Feb. 14. Here's what happens at different fundraising thresholds:
- Just registering gets Pajama Day and a keychain.
- $5,000: Panda Pen.
- $10,000: Popsicles on Feb. 14.
- $15,000: Air Vortex Rider.
- $20,000: Pie a teacher.
- $25,000: Pie Principal Jed Miller.
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