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[SoDu Alert] NCPTA Calls Emergency Meeting on No-Bus Zones

The meeting, for PTA members and leaders, aims to promote discussion about methods for advocating and helping schools adjust to the new zones.

[SoDu Alert] NCPTA Calls Emergency Meeting on No-Bus Zones

The North Carolina PTA and Durham Council of PTAs on Sunday and Monday plan to hold virtual emergency meetings about the family responsibility zones that go into effect at 21 schools in the coming week.

The meeting, for PTA members and leaders in Durham Public Schools, aims to promote discussion about methods for advocating and helping schools adjust to the new zones. The system will require many families living around South Durham elementary schools like Hope Valley, Parkwood, Pearsontown, and Southwest to find ways other than a school bus - walking, bicycle, or riding in a car - to get to and from school.

The Sunday meeting will be held online at 3 p.m. Monday's meeting is set for 4 p.m. Register at this link.