Ready for Durham Schools Magnet Lottery?

Ready for Durham Schools Magnet Lottery?

If you’re getting ready for the Durham magnet lottery (like me), we’re down to the final hours before the application period kicks off at 12 a.m. on Jan. 8.

And if, like me, you’ve done this process for a few years, be aware: the application portal has changed and you’ll need to set up your children on the new SchoolMint account.

I’m happy to report that as long as you have your child’s PowerSchool identification number handy (I had to go find mine on the K12 Payment Center portal I use for John Michael’s and Athena’s lunches), the process of signing up on SchoolMint is really easy.

The lottery application period for 2024-2025 runs from Jan. 8 to Feb. 9 at 5 p.m.

If you need assistance, Saturday help sessions are scheduled at 2107 Hillandale Rd. from 9 to 1 p.m. on the following dates:

  • Jan. 20.
  • Jan. 27.
  • Feb. 3.

You can schedule an appointment for assistance by calling:

  • English: (919) 560-2059.
  • Spanish: (919) 560-2510.

Lottery results are expected to be posted, emailed, and texted on March 1. Parents and guardians then will have until March 22 to accept assigned lottery seats. If seats aren’t accepted by the deadline, they’ll automatically be marked as declined. If an assignment is accepted, the child’s name will be removed from all other lottery application waitlists.

Declined seats are final and can’t be reclaimed.

For information about the process, visit this link.

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