[SoDu How-To] Apply for Durham Pre-K 2025-2026
The publicly funded program is designed to prepare children for kindergarten, with classroom options available in 5-star licensed child care centers, Head Start programs, or Durham Public Schools.
![[SoDu How-To] Apply for Durham Pre-K 2025-2026](/content/images/size/w1200/2025/02/rollupenroll.jpg)
Parents and guardians of Durham County children turning four by Aug. 31, 2025, are eligible to apply for the upcoming Durham Pre-K academic year (2025-2026).
The publicly funded program is designed to prepare children for kindergarten, with classroom options available in 5-star licensed child care centers, Head Start programs, or Durham Public Schools.
Children in Durham Pre-K typically spend 6.5 hours at school each day during the 10-month school year program.
What You Need to Know
- When creating an account to complete the application, use an email address that you can access. That's where all notifications about your application will go.
- You'll need to submit documentation to establish your child's eligibility, such as:
- Proof of Age and Guardianship: Proof of birth could be a copy of the child's birth certificate, passport, or record of faith initiation. If neither the primary nor secondary guardian on the application are on the original birth certificates, families also should supply guardianship or custody paperwork.
- Proof of Address: Copy of a valid state-issued ID, copy of a current lease (with names of all household members and a signature page), or a current utility bill (water/power/gas) with name, address, and date. If a guardian listed on the application isn't listed on the proof of address, you'll also be prompted to submit an address verification form, the current utility bill, and a signed and dated later from the bill payee stating that your family (names included) lives in the home. If you are without a home or living in temporary housing, you may qualify for assistance under the McKinney-Vento Act.
- Proof of Income: Options include showing current monthly or annual income for each parent or legal guardian, such as one month of recent consecutive check stubs for each employed parent or guardian. No income source? Submit the Statement of No Income. Self-employed? Complete the Statement of No Documentation of Income. If you're paid in cash or don't get pay stubs, complete the form for a statement/letter from the employer. For annual income, you also must include one of the following: Proof of SNAP benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); copy of all W-2s from 2023; 2023 IRS 1040 tax forms (including signature page); last check stub from 2023 for each employed parent or guardian. If you have proof of other income sources, they might include: child support, retirement, worker's compensation, unemployment benefits, Social Security benefits. For students, provide current class schedule/enrollment information. Get a complete rundown with this Durham Pre-K checklist. Forms also are available in Spanish on the Pre-K documentation site.
- You'll need to fill out the Ages and Stages Questionnaire after it becomes available on Feb. 25.
- Families can attend a special Roll Up and Enroll event from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on March 15 in the quad at Durham Technical Community College. There, you can work on an application with a counselor, get help uploading required documents, and ask questions about the application process.
- Transportation isn't provided to and from Pre-K programs. That's the family's responsibility.
Pre-K Program Types
- Durham Pre-K: All income levels eligible. Families with incomes at 400% of the Federal Poverty Level or above pay a monthly parent fee of 2% of monthly income.
- NC Pre-K: Families must make less than 75% of the state median income (currently $66,186). Some families with higher incomes may qualify if they meet other priority criteria, such as children with disabilities, academic need, chronic health conditions, limited English proficiency, children in foster care, families receiving TANF or SSI, children experiencing homelessness, or military families.
- Head Start and Early Head Start: Families must make less than 130% of the Federal Poverty Level.
- Durham Public Schools: All income levels eligible.
Pre-K Costs
Families below 400% of the FPL can participate free of charge. At or above that level, check out this sliding scale.
If your child is under 4 and ineligible for Pre-K, you can contact the Early Years' Child Care Referral Central program at 1-855-327-5933 to get help finding other programs meeting your family's situation and needs.
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