[SoDu Sunrise Showcase] No Bull, Durham! Let's Decide What Happens to DAP.

[SoDu Sunrise Showcase] No Bull, Durham! Let's Decide What Happens to DAP.

Yesterday, I arrived to pick up John Michael outside Rogers-Herr Middle School and found him talking with Chef Sicily Sierra from his Young Cooks Society afterschool club, mentored by the Kind Kitchen Group.

He had a couple of plastic soup containers cradled in his arms.

"What's in there?" I asked.

"Pickles," he said. Grinning.

My eyes narrowed. I looked toward Chef Sicily, who smiled and said, "We did some quick pickling today."

I looked back at the boy. "You like pickles now?"

"Pickles!" he enthused. But not on sandwiches...yet. Still, he enjoys making and eating his own pickles now.

So today I'm grateful for this club that is helping to broaden his culinary horizons.

What else is going on?

Next Steps for DAP?

What to do with the historic Durham Athletic Park? The City of Durham doesn't want to build more million-dollar condominiums on the iconic site, but it's not getting much use. So officials are asking citizens to suggest options for the 5.42-acre space. Take the survey and participate in in-person events through Feb. 28.

Solvias Opens Flagship Site in RTP: When complete, it'll be about 50,000 square feet, bringing as many as 200 jobs to the area.

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