Developments Could Add Hundreds of South Durham Housing Units

Developments Could Add Hundreds of South Durham Housing Units

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The Durham Planning Commission on March 12 is set to hear proposals about three South Durham development projects.

One would add up to 300 residential units at the south end of Fayetteville Road near N.C. Highway 751. The second would repurpose the defunct Residence Inn into apartments. The third would allow for retail and storage along East Cornwallis Road.

Fayetteville Road

About 32 acres of land near the intersection of Fayetteville Road and N.C. Highway 751 could be rezoned to allow up to 300 residential units.

Pamela Porter of TMTLA Associates proposes to change the zoning of the land parcels at 8310, 8404, and 8613 Fayetteville Road from residential rural to planned development residential.

The project, listed under the case name of “Fayetteville Road,” would include at least 100 multifamily units. Of those, at least three would be set aside as affordable housing for renters earning no more than 60% of area median income for 30 years.

According to the staff report about the project, the developer would contribute $145,500 to the Durham Dedicated Housing Fund and $100,000 to Durham Public Schools.

“Transportation commitments include the construction of a 10-foot concrete shared path along the full frontage of the site and a high-visibility, push-button signaled crosswalk connecting the multi-use path at the future entrance intersecting Swift Creek Crossing,” the staff report states. “These commitments would provide improved bicycle and pedestrian connectivity to nearby services in an area that is predominantly used by vehicle drivers.”

Trellis Durham RTP

The now-defunct Residence Inn near NC Highway 55 and NC Highway 54 could be rezoned to turn the extended-stay hotel into 122 multi-family residential units.

The project, on 23.1 acres, wouldn’t include any committed affordable housing units. The area is served by GoDurham transit routes 12 and 800.

“If safe pedestrian and bicycle connections are installed across 54 and 55, then this area would be ideal for residential siting,” the staff report states

East Cornwallis Road

More than 15 acres of land at 1914 and 1916 East Cornwallis Road could be rezoned from planned development residential to commercial neighborhood with a textual development plan. This would allow for development of a commercial building up to 12,000 square feet and outdoor storage.

The project is proposed by Jarrod Edens of Edens Investments. It would include 3,000 square feet of conditioned interior space for retail sales and service, but may also contain outdoor and indoor storage.

“There is a significant floodplain on the site which restricts its use,” the staff report states. “The applicant has committed to restricting uses and construction within the 100-year floodway fringe, but has reserved the right to store maintenance vehicles and equipment within the floodway fringe.”