South Durham Restaurant Inspection Scores for July 2024

On occasion, Southpoint Access will gather information from Durham County’s Public Health Department to get a snapshot of how facilities in this region are scoring on their inspections. In this report, we delve into recent reports on restaurants in the 27707 zipcode.
TL;DR Version: Top scores (99.5) went to Aperitif and Eurest Dining at BCBSNC CSC Building. Lowest score (90.5) went to Canasta’s Chicken.
Aperitif. 3105 Shannon Rd., Ste. 203. Inspection: May 30, 2024. Score: 99.5. Notes: Dust build-up on ice machine filters.
Azteca Grill. 1929 Chapel Hill Rd. Inspection: May 31, 2024. Score: 97. Notes: Facility maintains shellstock tags for more than 90 days, but hasn’t been recording date when last batch was sold. Raw fish stored below raw beef and pork in walk-in cooler. Boiled tripe with a cook date of May 23. Maximum hold time is seven days.
Bob Evans Farm Restaurant. 5419 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: May 13, 2024. Score: 92.5. Notes: New manager onsite lacked certification. Raw eggs and raw beef patties stored above ready to eat turkey meat and cooked sausage links in tall reach-in cooler on left end of cookline. Chicken noodle soup holding at 124 degrees Fahrenheit in hot box. Milk and butter holding in front left reach-in cooler at 52 degrees Fahrenheit.
Bull and Bean. 3719 Shannon Rd., Ste. 100. Inspection: June 20, 2024. Score: 95. Notes: Raw eggs stored above fruit and vegetables in walk-in cooler. Also in walk-in cooler, raw beef stored above cooked brisket. In bottom portion of flip-top cooler, raw beef and raw fish stored above ready-to-eat foods. Grits held at 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Pooled eggs stored in flip-top cooler on ice were 52 degrees Fahrenheit. Yogurt stored in ice bath was 44 degrees.
Bull City Solera and Taproom. 4120 University Dr. Inspection: May 30, 2024. Score: 98.5. Notes: Chili in steam well below 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Items in flip-top cooler beside stove were above 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Canasta’s Chicken. 5318 New Hope Commons Dr., Ste. 104. Inspection: May 7, 2024. Score: 90.5. Notes: Person in charge washed hands at the dish wash sink multiple times. Used bare hands to put green onions on pasta dish. Raw chicken stored above raw beef in walk-in cooler. Raw chicken stored above raw shrimp in walk-in cooler. During inspection, dishes were handwashed and the third compartment of sink had only water, no sanitizer solution. All cold-held foods on front serving line held above 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Chicken Hut No. 1. 3019 Fayetteville St. Inspection: May 28, 2024. Score: 98. Notes: Bowl of mac and cheese and spaghetti cooling in the walk-in cooler tightly sealed. Several boxes of food items stored on floor of walk-in freezer.
Chili’s. 4600 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: June 26, 2024. Score: 96.5. Notes: Raw burgers, raw chicken, Swiss cheese, mixed cheese, brisket, and mixed salad had temperatures above 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
China Palace Express. 5210 Garrett Rd. Inspection: June 26, 2024. Score: 96.5. Notes: Employee drink cup and medication on the prep table. No paper towels by the handwashing sink near the walk-in. Prepared raw beef, pork, marinated shrimp, and cooked chicken in tight containers stored with temperature above 41 degrees Fahrenheit in walk-in. All temperature-controlled food in reach-in was above 41 degrees Fahrenheit. Grilled and cooked ducks at room temperature. Cooked mushrooms had temperature above 41 degrees Fahrenheit and below 135 degrees.
Chubby’s Tacos. 4711 Hope Valley Rd., Unit 5H. Inspection: June 13, 2024. Score: 96. Notes: Observed a moldy habanero pepper. Queso in hot holding below 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Slaw, tofu, chicken, shrimp, hake fish, lettuce, mozzarella in reach-in, and salsa in walk-in above 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Clean Eatz. 5320 McFarland Dr., Ste. 110. Inspection: May 2, 2024. Score: 98.5. Notes: Tomatoes in walk-in cooler had preparation date of April 19. Marinara had preparation date of April 21.
Cook Out. 3119 Shannon Rd. Inspection: May 30, 2024. Score: 98.5. Notes: Chili sitting out at room temperature was 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Time as public health control implemented, but no items time stamped.
Curry Up Now. 3105 Shannon Rd. Inspection: May 30, 2024. Score: 98. Notes: No updated employee health policy stating reportable foodborne illnesses and associated symptoms. Two trash cans blocked first handwashing sink near cookline. Pico, cheese, tofu holding between 45 and 53 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dragon Inn. 3823 Guess Rd. Inspection: May 1, 2024. Score: 96. Notes: Unlabeled seasonings on cookline. Wet wiping cloths stored throughout kitchen.
El Chapin. 4600 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: May 13, 2024. Score: 97.5. Notes: Pork mix cooling at 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Cabbage cooling at 98 degrees. Potatoes cooling at 99 degrees on cool rack at ambient temperature. Rusted shelving in tall reach-in cooler.
Eurest Dining at BCBSNC CSC Building. 1965 Ivy Creek Blvd., Bldg. 100. Inspection: June 27, 2024. Score: 99.5. Notes: Pork holding at 111 degrees Fahrenheit in the hot box.
First Watch. 5307 New Hope Commons Blvd. Ext. Inspection: May 14, 2024. Score: 98.5. Notes: Sausage gravy holding at 113 degrees Fahrenheit in steam well.
Foster’s Market. 2694 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: June 26, 2024. Score: 96. Notes: Employee came in from outside and rinsed hands in prep sink. Inappropriate sanitizer concentration at three-compartment sink. Foods temped between 44 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit in downstairs and exterior walk-in cooler.
Guglhupf Bakery, Café, and Biergarten. 2706 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: May 9, 2024. Score: 97.5. Notes: Potentially hazardous ready-to-eat foods in front expo station, left of walk-in cooler one, and sandwich cooler holding between 42 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Working bottle of hand soap not labeled.
Happy and Hale. 3103 Shannon Rd., Bldg. 1, Ste. 102. Inspection: May 30, 2024. Score: 96.5. Notes: First handsink in the front area without paper towels.
Hope Valley Diner. 3710 Shannon Rd., Ste. 114. Inspection: May 7, 2024. Score: 93.5. Notes: Dish machine sanitizer at 0 parts-per-million. Cabbage holding at 107 degrees Fahrenheit in steam well. Boxed food items stored on floor in walk-in freezer. Several employees prepared food while wearing bracelets and watches.
Jason’s Deli. 5408 New Hope Commons Dr. Inspection: May 2, 2024. Score: 98.5. Notes: Two boxes of small plastic containers stored on floor in back of kitchen. The facility didn’t have test strips for sanitizer dispenser testing.
Joe Van Gogh. 4711 Hope Valley Rd., Ste. 19. Inspection: June 25, 2024. Score: 98.5. Notes: Frittata cooked six hours earlier had temp above 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Jumbo China. 1839 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Inspection: June 26, 2024. Score: 95.5. Notes: Chicken stored above beef in walk-in cooler. Salt, sugar, and MSG without labels at cookline. Three boxes of sauce stored on floor in back of kitchen.
Kale’s Kitchen. 2504 Fayetteville St. Inspection: June 11, 2024. Score: 97. Notes: No paper towels at one handwashing sink. Metal containers wet stacked in dry dish area.
Kurama. 3644 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: June 25, 2024. Score: 97.5. Notes: Employee beverage stored on prep surface next to utensils. Several dented cans stored on shelving. Small amount of rice as well as grease residue on bowls and tongs stored clean. Chopped cabbage prepared previous day with no date mark. Headache medication stored above a prep surface and equipment.
La Tiendita II Taqueria. 1915-B Chapel Hill Rd. Inspection: May 9, 2024. Score: 97. Notes: Three cutting boards had black buildup on their surfaces. All temperature-controlled foods in left two-door cooler were held above 41 degrees Fahrenheit.
Let’s Eat Soul Food Catering. 2514 Fayetteville St. Inspection: June 11, 2024. Score: 98.5. Notes: Torn gasket on Turbo Air 1 door cooler. Soiled gaskets in low reach-in freezer in back of kitchen. Hole in wall next to standing freezer behind prep table.
Li Ming’s Global Mart (Café). 3400 Westgate Dr., Ste. 14A. Inspection: June 24, 2024. Score: 93.5. Notes: Dry foods and breading at fry station not labeled with common product name. Two large containers of pork base stored on floor. Wiping cloths stored on prep surfaces. Metal pans and bowls stacked while wet on dish rack. General cleaning needed on inside bottom of reach-in freezer in front cooking area, outside of dry food bins, on crates in front walk-in cooler, and outside and in between equipment at cookline.
Mayflower Seafood Restaurant. 3742 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd., Ste. B & C. Inspection: June 18, 2024. Score: 96. Notes: Ice in handwashing sink in servers’ area. Sanitizer bucket stored on shelf above vinegar and mayonnaise.
Mi Peru Peruvian Cuisine. 4015 University Dr., A1. Inspection: June 3, 2024. Score: 97.5. Notes: Handwashing sink in kitchen lacked paper towels at beginning of inspection. Beef thawing in three-compartment sink in water, not running water. Several unlabeled containers of oil and seasonings.
Moe’s Southwest Grill. 5332 McFarland Dr. Inspection: May 2, 2024. Score: 98.5. Notes: Dark and white chicken holding in hot box at 130 and 131 degrees Fahrenheit.
Neo Japan. 1125 NC Hwy 54, Ste. 401. Inspection: June 5, 2024. Score: 97. Notes: Employee’s Sunny D drink and two V8 drinks stored with food in walk-in cooler. Open Snapple stored on counter with rice cooker. Employee seen wetting wiping cloth at front handwashing sink.
Nuvotaco. 2512 University Dr. Inspection: June 26, 2024. Score: 98. Notes: Employee’s open beverage bottle stored with food in low reach-in cooler. Two containers of guacamole and lettuce tightly sealed. Two pairs of tongs hanging on oven doors.
Only Burger. 3710 Shannon Rd., Ste. 118. Inspection: May 6, 2024. Score: 95.5. Notes: Establishment lacks written procedure regarding vomiting and diarrheal events. Flour container blocked handwashing sink. Chicken stored above ground beef and brisket. Fries near chicken. Ground beef above dough.
Outback Steakhouse. 3500 Mt. Moriah Rd. Inspection: May 13, 2024. Score: 98. Notes: Ready-to-eat butter stored below raw fish in walk-in cooler. Lettuce holding in salad cooler above fill line at 51 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pop’s Backdoor South. 3710 Shannon Rd., Ste. 104. Inspection: May 7, 2024. Score: 99. Notes: Torn gasket in first sandwich unit reach-in cooler next to stove.
Pulcinella. 4711 Hope Valley Rd. Inspection: June 24, 2024. Score: 93. Notes: Employees touched bread with bare hands. Pepperoni, sausage, sliced cheese, mozzarella in pizza section, and cooked chicken in tall reach-in had temperature above 41 degrees Fahrenheit. No date marking on some foods in the tall reach-in.
Randy’s Pizza. 1813 Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy. Inspection: May 9, 2024. Score: 99. Notes: Chicken tenders in sandwich reach-in cooler holding at 49 degrees Fahrenheit. Water bottle with yellow liquid not labeled.
Randy’s Pizza. 4810 Hope Valley Rd., Ste. 112. Inspection: June 27, 2024. Score: 99. Notes: Pasta in reach-in lacked date marking.
Red Robin Gourmet Burgers. 5313 New Hope Commons Dr. Inspection: May 14, 2024. Score: 98. Notes: Gaskets throughout facility soiled with debris. Ice machine lacked air gap.
Sake Bomb. 4215 University Dr. Inspection: June 26, 2024. Score: 97. Notes: Container of individual soy sauce stored inside handwashing sink in sushi area. Noodles at makeline made two days earlier unmarked.
Saladelia Café and Catering. 3604 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: June 17, 2024. Score: 94.5. Notes: Wet wiping cloth stored in handwashing sink by dish machine at beginning of inspection. During inspection, containers put in front of handwashing sink. Raw chicken stored above raw salmon in produce/meat cooler. High-temperature dish machine only reaching a food contact surface temperature of 156 degrees Fahrenheit. Some penne, white sauce, and tortellini soup had passed seven-day maximum time hold. Holding creamer on time instead of temperature at drink station, but didn’t have a time stamp or written procedures. Excessive chemical amounts in sanitizer.
Sitar Indian Cuisine. 3630 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: June 25, 2024. Score: 97. Notes: Pan of fish in hot cabinet holding below 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Potentially hazardous, ready-to-eat foods holding between 42 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit in sandwich cooler and in walk-in cooler.
Subway. 2405 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: June 3, 2024. Score: 97. Notes: Person in charge during inspection wasn’t a certified food protection manager. Rusted grease trap with flaking paint in front of three-compartment sink.
Subway. 5450 New Hope Commons Dr. Inspection: June 3, 2024. Score: 99. Notes: No certified food protection manager onsite.
Succotash, Southern and Creole Kitchen. 3219 Old Chapel Hill St. Inspection: May 22, 2024. Score: 97.5. Notes: Two large cans of condensed milk severely dented from falling. Employee in cookline used a slotted spoon to scoop both raw shrimp and raw chicken from respective batters. No date marks on containers of rice, jambalaya, and defrosted gravy in coolers.
Tandoori Bites. 5318 New Hope Commons Dr., Ste. 201-A. Inspection: May 14, 2024. Score: 97. Notes: No certified food protection manager onsite. Bottles of pink and yellow solution unlabeled throughout kitchen.
Thai Café. 2501 University Dr. Inspection: May 28, 2024. Score: 96.5. Notes: Employee rinsed hands in prep sink. Eggs stored with raw chicken. Raw shrimp stored with broccoli. Tongs stored hanging from oven door.
Top’s China Restaurant. 1205 University Dr. Inspection: May 14, 2024. Score: 95. Notes: One open bottle of water in low reach-in cooler of makeline stored directly with food. One dented can of oyster sauce. No date marking on five bulk containers of egg rolls in walk-in cooler. Roaches crawling in gasket of low reach-in cooler on the makeline.
Twisted Noodles. 4201 University Dr., No. 112. Inspection: June 4, 2024. Score: 94.5. Notes: Rice, pork, chicken, beef in walk-in cooler cooked on a previous day wasn’t marked with date. Back door, when fully closed, had gap at bottom of door. Rust on some shelving and racks.
Two Brothers Commissary. 2000 Chapel Hill Rd., Ste. 42. Inspection: June 10, 2024. Score: 98. Notes: No certified food protection manager onsite. Open container of milk in the Green World reach-in cooler and salsa roja in the walk-in cooler lacked date marks.
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