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Southpoint Area Restaurant Inspection Scores for December 2024

Southpoint Area Restaurant Inspection Scores for December 2024
From Durham County Public Health Department Records

On occasion, Southpoint Access will gather information from Durham County’s Public Health Department to get a snapshot of how facilities in this region are scoring on their inspections. In this report, we delve into recent reports on restaurants in the 27707 zipcode. These reports were filed between Sept. 1 and Nov. 29, 2024.

TL;DR Version: Top scores went to Afrikiko’s Bistro, Bella Napoli Pizzeria and Italian Grill, and Makus Empanadas, scoring a perfect 100 with no noted violations or deficiencies.

The restaurant with the lowest score was Chili’s, with a score of 91.

Afrikiko’s Bistro. 1619 Fayetteville St. Inspection: Sept. 27. Score: 100. Notes: None.

Azteca Grill. 1929 Chapel Hill Rd. Inspection: Sept. 18. Score: 97. Notes: Employee handled cilantro after washing dishes without washing hands first. Employee was educated and complied by washing hands. Raw beef tripe stored below raw chicken, and raw fish stored under frozen raw chicken, posing cross-contamination risks. Items were rearranged to proper storage order. Tomatoes and tripe found above safe temperatures (41°F). Tripe discarded; tomatoes relocated for cooling.

Bella Napoli Pizzeria and Italian Grill. 3511 Witherspoon Blvd. Inspection: Oct. 1. Score: 100. Notes: None.

Blaze Pizza. 5320 McFarland Dr. Inspection: Nov. 18. Score: 97.5. Notes: Establishment lacked a written procedure and cleanup kit for handling such events. A plan was provided during the inspection. Employee used the sink to pour sanitizer, violating proper use protocols. Kitchen cutting board was heavily scored and discolored, making it difficult to clean and sanitize. Replacement or resurfacing required. Reach-in equipment (interiors, exteriors, gaskets, handles) had food debris buildup. Cleaning frequency needs to improve.

Burger King. 3400 Westgate Dr. Inspection: Oct. 28. Score: 99.5. Notes: Leaking hot water faucet handle at three-compartment sink.

Chicken Hut. 3019 Fayetteville St. Inspection: Sept. 17. Score: 98. Notes: Several boxes of food items stored on floor in walk-in freezer. Milk crate used to keep sugar off floor in dry storage room.

Chili’s. 4600 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Oct. 23. Score: 91. Notes: During the inspection, violations were noted including employee beverages on the make line, improper storage of raw foods, and unsafe food holding temperatures. Cooling and thawing methods were not followed, leading to corrective actions such as reheating or relocating items. Multiple flies were observed, prompting a recommendation for pest control. Food was improperly stored on the floor and left uncovered in the walk-in units. Jewelry worn during food prep and improperly stored wiping cloths also violated standards. Equipment and non-food contact surfaces, including gaskets and soap dispensers, needed repair and cleaning. The facility required deep cleaning, with missing grout, damaged tiles, and drain plugs noted for correction.

China Buffet. 3720 Mayfair St. Inspection: Oct. 14. Score: 99. Notes: White bacteria growth on cucumbers in walk-in cooler. Chicken in meat cooler made previous day wasn’t date marked.

Chipotle Mexican Grill. 3219 Watkins Rd., Ste. 100. Inspection: Nov. 25. Score: 97.5. Notes: The dish machine was not dispensing sanitizer (0ppm) but was primed and fixed during the inspection. Steak on the mobile make line was found at 129°F and reheated to 201°F. Wet stacking of pans was noted, with a recommendation to allow proper air drying and reorganize the dish area for better airflow. Cleaning deficiencies included soiled hot box handles, cooking equipment, and exterior surfaces. The mop sink lacked a backflow prevention device, with a 72-hour timeline for correction. Vent hood lighting was flickering and insufficient, with two bulbs out, requiring repair.

Chubby’s Tacos. 4711 Hope Valley Rd., Unit 5H. Inspection: Nov. 5. Score: 96.5. Notes: No Certified Food Protection Manager was present, a requirement for supervisory staff. Hot water at two handwashing sinks was below the required 100°F. Repeat violations included improper hot holding of fajitas and carrots, which were reheated to meet standards, and cleaning deficiencies on hood filters. A chemical bottle and food containers lacked proper labeling, corrected during the inspection. Leaks in the reach-in and tall freezer were noted, with a work order already submitted.

Cocoa Cinnamon. 2013 Chapel Hill Rd., Ste. A. Inspection: Sept. 17. Score: 98.5. Notes: Food employees were observed handling food and washing dishes without hair restraints, which are required. Handles of scoops were improperly submerged in bulk containers of flour and brown sugar, violating storage standards. Repeat violations included rusted shelving in the mop sink area and a torn gasket on the freezer door. Dishwashing was initially done in a wash solution below the required 110°F but was corrected to 121°F during the inspection. Cleaning deficiencies were noted, including buildup on the prep sink spray nozzle, sticker residue on syrup bottles, and soiled drawers near the espresso machine.

Dragon Inn. 3823 Guess Rd. Inspection: Oct. 16. Score: 97. Notes: Unlabeled chlorine bottles in the dish area were corrected by labeling during the visit. Repeat violations included unlabeled seasonings at the cookline and soiled non-food contact surfaces, such as cooler gaskets and a heavily soiled paper towel dispenser, requiring more frequent cleaning. Dead roaches were observed in the women’s restroom, necessitating immediate removal. Stickers on the exterior of clean containers were also identified as needing removal for proper cleanliness.

First Watch. 5307 New Hope Commons Blvd. Ext. Inspection: Nov. 25. Score: 98.5. Notes: The handwashing sink near the cookline lacked paper towels but was restocked during the inspection. Sausage links in a steamwell were below the required 135°F for hot holding but were reheated to 203°F. Apples in the walk-in cooler were found with stickers still attached, indicating improper washing. A leak in the piping near the ice machine was also noted, requiring repair.

Gugulhupf Bakery, Café, and Biergarten. 2706 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Oct. 3. Score: 98. Notes: An employee beverage was improperly stored on a box of food, violating contamination prevention standards. Cold holding issues were observed, with ready-to-eat foods at the expo station and sandwich cooler holding above 41°F; corrective actions included submerging foods in ice and keeping cooler lids closed. Repeat violations included employees not wearing beard restraints while preparing food and improper manual washing with water below 110°F, which was corrected by refilling the sink with hot water. Non-food contact surfaces, such as panini griddle catch pans and cold drawer tracks, required cleaning to prevent buildup.

Homewood Suites Foodservice. 3600 Mt. Moriah Rd. Inspection: Oct. 3. Score: 97. Notes: A handwashing sink was blocked by a mop bucket, which was removed during the visit. Cream cheese in the small reach-in cooler lacked a date mark but was labeled appropriately during the inspection. Chicken was improperly cooled at room temperature but was moved to the freezer for rapid cooling. Repeat equipment issues included a rusted three-compartment sink faucet, a non-functioning reach-in cooler, and a torn gasket on another cooler, all requiring repair. A spray nozzle at the three-compartment sink was hanging below the flood rim, violating backflow prevention requirements, with a follow-up scheduled in 72 hours.

Joe Van Gogh. 4711 Hope Valley Rd, Ste. 19. Inspection: Nov. 5. Score: 98.5. Notes: Swiss cheese, mozzarella, and cooked tomato were held above the required 41°F but were relocated to proper storage containers and cooled during the inspection. Cream cheese lacked a date mark but was labeled appropriately. Physical facility cleaning was needed, with stains on the ceiling near the oven and buildup around sinks in the coffee bar area, requiring more frequent and thorough cleaning.

Jumbo China. 1839 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Inspection: Nov. 19. Score: 93. Notes: Employees failed to wash hands properly and consistently, but corrections were made with education during the visit. Repeat violations included improper food storage, with chicken above beef and TCS foods like beef, chicken wings, and noodles held above 41°F; these were rearranged or cooled. Unlabeled toxic substances and food items like salt and sugar were addressed with proper labeling. Boxes of food and single-use containers were stored on the floor, violating standards requiring storage at least six inches above the ground. Physical repairs were needed for broken FRP wall joints, floor tiles, and insufficient lighting in the walk-in cooler. Corrective actions were taken where possible.

Kale’s Kitchen. 2504 Fayetteville St. Inspection: Nov. 26. Score: 98. Notes: The sanitizer bucket was found with an excessively high concentration (500-800ppm) but was corrected to the proper range (50-200ppm). The side of the front handwashing sink was cracked and required repair. Repeat violations included a cluttered storage closet with items on the floor and wall damage near the ice machine, both requiring cleaning and maintenance to meet standards.

Kanki Japanese House of Steaks. 3504 Mt. Moriah Rd. Inspection: Oct. 18. Score: 97. Notes: On the cook line, raw shrimp, beef, and seafood were improperly stored above ready-to-eat items like sauce, lemons, and butter, but storage was rearranged during the inspection. Sanitizer and soapy water were mislabeled in buckets but corrected, reflecting improvement from previous inspections. Washed carrots were improperly returned to their delivery box but were rewashed and stored in sanitized bins. Rusted metal racks in the dry storage room were noted and require replacement to maintain proper equipment standards.

Kurama. 3644 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Oct. 30. Score: 97. Notes: At the start, no Certified Food Protection Manager was present, though the ServSafe-certified manager arrived later. A food employee handled food without washing hands after using their phone, but corrective action was taken. Salad was improperly cooled in a deep, covered container and was vented and divided during the inspection. Flies were observed in the kitchen, prompting a recommendation to increase pest control visits. Washed vegetables were stored directly on a shelf instead of in proper containers. Repeat issues included improperly stored wet wiping cloths, rusted shelving, torn gaskets, damaged equipment, and structural problems like broken tiles, peeling paint, and missing corner guards. General cleaning of walls and ceilings in multiple areas was also needed.

La Quinta Inn & Suites Chapel Hill. 4414 Durham Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Oct. 10. Score: 97. Notes: The Person in Charge (PIC) was initially not certified or present but arrived later, resolving the deficiency. Employee drinks were improperly stored in a cooler with food, violating contamination prevention standards. Commercially packaged eggs were thawed incorrectly on a countertop and moved to refrigeration during the inspection. A repeat violation was noted for employees not wearing hair restraints while preparing food. Equipment issues included a non-ANSI-certified commercial roller grill still in use despite requirements for approved equipment. The dumpster’s sliding doors and lids were left open, a repeat issue that must be addressed to prevent pest attraction.

La Tiendita II Taqueria. 1915-B Chapel Hill Rd. Inspection: Sept. 17. Score: 96. Notes: An employee was observed improperly turning off faucets with their hands after washing, which was corrected with education. Containers with greasy buildup were stored as clean and moved to the dish pit for proper cleaning. Multiple ready-to-eat items, such as rice, cheese, and cabbage, were missing date marks but were labeled during the inspection. Containers of water, oil, flour, salt, and breading were unlabeled, requiring correction. A pest control trap in the mop storage area contained dead insects, and the pest control company was contacted to replace it. Repeat equipment issues included torn gaskets, split containers, condensation in coolers, and broken oven doors requiring repair. Facility issues included damaged countertops and floor tiles that need maintenance to ensure smooth, cleanable surfaces.

Lakewood Social. 1920 Chapel Hill Rd. Inspection: Nov. 27. Score: 96. Notes: A Person in Charge (PIC) handled ready-to-eat food with bare hands, and another employee improperly handled raw beef patties and sliced cheese without changing gloves, risking cross-contamination. Both incidents were corrected with employee education and proper practices implemented. Pork belly dated beyond the 7-day limit was discarded, and unwashed lettuce was observed being used without cleaning but was subsequently washed. An ice scoop was improperly stored on a dirty surface, requiring relocation to a clean storage area. Lastly, the dumpsters lacked drain plugs, which must be installed to meet waste management standards.

Let’s Eat Soul Food Catering. 2514 Fayetteville St. Inspection: Oct. 17. Score: 99. Notes: An employee’s water bottles were improperly stored inside a tall reach-in cooler, posing a contamination risk. Repeat issues included soiled gaskets on the low reach-in freezer and a hole in the wall near the standing freezer, both requiring cleaning or repair. An employee jacket was found stored with single-service items, highlighting the need for proper storage facilities for personal belongings.

Li Ming’s Global Mart Cafe. 3400 Westgate Dr., Ste. 14A. Inspection: Nov. 4. Score: 96.5. Notes: Employee beverages were improperly stored on a prep surface above food and equipment, risking contamination. Raw chicken was stored above raw pork and beef in the walk-in cooler, violating food separation standards. Repeat violations included wet wiping cloths left on a prep table, wet-stacked dishes on the dish rack, and knives improperly stored between a cooler and prep table, all requiring corrective actions. Shelving near the walk-in cooler and prep tables needed cleaning, although improvements were noted. One dumpster lacked a drain plug, and two light bulbs under the far-right hood were not functioning, requiring replacement.

Makus Empanadas. 1125 NC Hwy 54 West. Inspection: Nov. 12. Score: 100. Notes: None.

Mariscos Los Cabos. 4020 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Nov. 15. Score: 92. Notes: Handwashing sinks lacked paper towels and signage, corrected during the inspection, while a dump sink was improperly used as a handwashing sink. RTE foods were stored below raw meats, bulk beans lacked a lid, and some dry goods containers had damaged lids, all of which were addressed. Several TCS foods were held above 41°F due to cooler door issues; affected items were relocated, and repairs were scheduled. The consumer advisory on menus was incomplete, requiring correction within 10 days. Pest issues included flies in the kitchen and outdoor clutter creating harborage, necessitating cleanup and improved door management. Non-NSF equipment, damaged cutting boards, and taped or broken items need replacement or repair, and rusty, soiled equipment requires cleaning or removal. Open dumpster doors and trash accumulation were resolved during the inspection but need ongoing attention.

Mayflower Seafood Restaurant XVI. 3742 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Nov. 18. Score: 96.5. Notes: Cooked pasta and marinara sauce were missing date marks but were labeled during the visit. Two unlabeled spray bottles were identified and corrected. Improper cooling methods resulted in elevated temperatures for sliced tomatoes and salad; items were unwrapped and vented for proper cooling. Thermometers were found inaccurate, with uncalibrated units discarded and replacements planned. An unsealed bag of breader in dry storage required proper sealing to prevent contamination. Equipment issues included torn gaskets, corrosion on the walk-in cooler, and ice buildup in freezer units, all needing repair. A recyclable dumpster lacked a drain plug. Facility concerns included missing or damaged coved bases, worn grout, and damaged flooring, requiring repairs. Employee belongings were improperly stored among clean dishes and food items, and dusty ventilation fan covers in the walk-in units needed cleaning to prevent contamination.

Mi Peru Peruvian Cuisine. 4015 University Dr., Ste. A1. Inspection: Oct. 14. Score: 97. Notes: Rice cooling in an ice bath was moved to the refrigerator to meet proper cooling requirements. Boxes of chicken and beef were improperly stored on the floor in the walk-in freezer, a repeat issue requiring storage on shelves at least six inches above the floor. Facility maintenance concerns included a damaged baseboard near the three-compartment sink, which needs repair to ensure compliance with cleanliness and structural standards.

Mini Market Salvamex. 4266 Garrett Rd., Ste. C2. Inspection: Oct. 17. Score: 96. Notes: Employee beverages were improperly stored uncovered on prep surfaces near food and equipment, violating contamination prevention standards. The ice machine contained pink and black buildup, requiring thorough cleaning. Three containers of rice failed to cool properly within required timeframes and were discarded, along with improperly cooled rice stored in thick, tightly covered layers; staff were educated on proper cooling methods. Unlabeled spray bottles of chemicals were identified and corrected. A live cockroach was observed under the stove, highlighting the need for improved pest control measures. Wet wiping cloths were stored on prep tables instead of in sanitizer, requiring proper storage. Equipment issues included torn gaskets on the Grista cooler and missing knobs on the stove, which need repair. Corrective actions were taken during the inspection where possible.

Moe’s Southwest Grill #691. 5332 McFarland Dr. Inspection: Oct. 18. Score: 97.5. Notes: There was no Certified Food Protection Manager on site, and the establishment has 180 days to comply. An employee failed to wash hands after handling payments and before engaging in food preparation, which was corrected with education. Uncovered onions and cilantro in the walk-in cooler were covered during the inspection. Poblano peppers were improperly cooled in a tightly wrapped container, which was vented for proper airflow. Unlabeled salt containers and improperly stored wiping cloths were identified and require correction. A backflow preventer is missing on the water lines for the ice and tea machines, and a drain stopper for the vegetable prep sink needs replacement. The outdoor dumpster had open doors and trash buildup around it, requiring cleanup and closure. Facility maintenance issues include resealing a kitchen corner, sealing raw wood on the front counter, and ensuring all surfaces are smooth and cleanable. Corrective actions were taken during the inspection where possible.

Namu. 5420 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Oct. 23. Score: 97.5. Notes: Chicken was improperly stored above beef in the second walk-in cooler, which was corrected during the inspection. Boxes of dumplings and raw beef were stored on the walk-in freezer floor instead of on shelves, requiring proper elevation. Repeat equipment issues included torn gaskets on the tall reach-in and cook line coolers, which need replacement, and dirty gaskets with black soil and food residue that require thorough cleaning. Corrective actions were initiated where possible.

Neo Japan. 1125 NC Hwy 54 West. Inspection: Oct. 22. Score: 97. Notes: A handwashing sink was improperly used to store a scooper and brillo scrubber, which were removed during the inspection. Shrimp on the makeline was found at 106°F, below the required 135°F for hot holding, and was reheated. Bulk containers of rice and white spices were unlabeled, requiring proper identification. Soy sauce containers were stored on the floor, violating storage requirements. Repeat equipment violations included a broken walk-in freezer door, ice buildup on the freezer floor, and dirty gaskets, all requiring cleaning or repair. Facility issues included cracked floor tiles, a cardboard box improperly placed behind a condenser, stained ceiling tiles, and improperly stored mops, all of which need correction to ensure cleanliness and compliance.

New Top China. 5324 New Hope Commons Dr., Ste. 301. Inspection: Nov. 13. Score: 97. Notes: Unlabeled seasonings at the cookline were corrected during the inspection. Repeat violations included uncovered broccoli and egg rolls in the walk-in cooler, which need to be stored covered, and a torn gasket in the walk-in cooler that requires replacement. Drink crates were improperly used as shelving throughout the facility and must be replaced with approved shelving. Employee food items were scattered in the walk-in cooler, highlighting the need for a designated storage area. Trash accumulation around dumpsters requires cleanup to maintain a sanitary refuse area. Corrective actions were initiated where possible.

New Visions of Africa. 1306 Fayetteville St. Inspection: Oct. 15. Score: 97. Notes: The Certified Food Protection Manager certificate had expired and must be renewed to meet requirements. Repeat equipment issues included torn gaskets on the three-door reach-in cooler near the front door and soiled gaskets on standing coolers, all requiring cleaning or replacement. Facility maintenance issues included missing or broken floor tiles in the walkway near the front counter, which need repair to ensure compliance.

Noodle 501. 5319 New Hope Commons Dr. Inspection: Nov. 14. Score: 97. Notes: Bags of beef and pork with holes were improperly stored together in the small reach-in cooler but were placed in separate containers. The dish machine was not dispensing chlorine sanitizer, which was primed to correct the issue. Pork in the prep top cooler was held at 56°F, above the required 41°F, and was moved to proper cold storage. Frozen dumplings with an outdated prep date were voluntarily discarded. Plastic shopping bags were improperly used for food storage and replaced with food-grade materials. Stickers and residue were found on pitchers and containers labeled as clean, requiring thorough cleaning. A food prep sink lacked a proper air gap at the drain, and corrective education was provided. Facility maintenance issues included the presence of a shopping cart in the kitchen, which must be removed, and a recommendation to install NSF-approved shelving. Corrective actions were implemented during the inspection where possible.

Philly Steak Factory. 5410 New Hope Commons Dr. Inspection: Oct. 31. Score: 97.5. Notes: Written procedures for using time as a public health control for cheese were missing and must be provided within 10 days. An employee was observed preparing food without a hair restraint or beard guard, requiring corrective action. A scored and discolored cutting board must be resurfaced or replaced. Equipment issues included a non-closing walk-in freezer door, rusted shelving, a damaged mop sink, and improper materials such as raw wood drawers and household wire shelving, all requiring repair or replacement with ANSI-certified materials. Plumbing issues included a leak at the three-compartment sink, missing air gaps, and the absence of backflow prevention devices on the tea and ice machines. Facility maintenance problems included a bulging restroom wall, a detached corner guard, and insufficient lighting at key work areas. Corrective actions were initiated during the inspection where possible.

Popeye’s. 3202 Westgate Dr. Inspection: Nov. 12. Score: 96.5. Notes: Restroom handwashing sinks were below the required 100°F and must be adjusted. Food in the makeup unit was improperly cooled at 50°F and was moved to the walk-in cooler and vented. Flies were observed in the kitchen, indicating a need for improved pest control. Biscuits were stored on the floor instead of being elevated at least six inches. Wiping cloth sanitizer buckets were too weak, and wet-stacked containers in the warewashing area need to be properly air-dried. The makeup unit was not maintaining temperatures below 41°F despite recent repairs and requires further servicing. Test strips for sanitizing solutions were unavailable but were ordered during the inspection. Residue was found on the hot cabinet, indicating a need for more frequent cleaning. Corrective actions were taken where possible.

Pop’s Backdoor South. 3710 Shannon Rd., Ste. 104. Inspection: Nov. 25. Score: 98.5. Notes: TCS foods, including chicken wings, lettuce, cheese, meatballs, and various pizza ingredients, were found holding between 42°F and 58°F, exceeding the required 41°F for cold storage. The walk-in cooler ambient temperature was adjusted to 38°F, and affected items were moved there while non-TCS foods will temporarily occupy the pizza unit until repairs are made. A fly trap was improperly installed above the meat and vegetable prep sink, requiring relocation to prevent contamination. Additionally, walk-in cooler fans were dusty and need cleaning to avoid contamination. Corrective actions are underway, with verification scheduled in 72 hours.

Pulcinella. 4711 Hope Valley Rd. Inspection: Nov. 5. Score: 94. Notes: Pepperoni, sausage, sliced cheese, and mozzarella in the pizza section were above 41°F and moved to the walk-in cooler. A bleach bottle lacked a label but was labeled during the inspection. Oil bottles were improperly labeled, a repeat violation. In-use utensils were stored without handles in sugar and pasta containers, requiring correction. Torn gaskets in the pizza reach-in and chest freezer need replacement, a repeat issue. The wall near the pipes in the back area is damaged and requires repair, also a repeat violation. Corrective actions were implemented where possible.

Randy’s Pizza. 4810 Hope Valley Rd., Ste. 112. Inspection: Oct. 31. Score: 96. Notes: Ham, pepperoni, pasta, raw chicken, and cooked chicken were held above 41°F. Pasta and cooked chicken were discarded, and other items were moved to the walk-in cooler. Cooked chicken prepared the previous day was missing a date label, a repeat issue that was corrected. A dusty wall-mounted fan blowing in the facility was disconnected to prevent contamination. Scoops stored in salt and sugar had handles touching the food, and utensils were stored in a debris-filled drawer, both requiring proper storage practices. The reach-in cooler was not holding proper temperature at 50°F; food was moved to the walk-in, and a technician was called. The facility also requires improved and more frequent cleaning to maintain hygiene.

Randy’s Pizza. 1813 Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy. Inspection: Nov. 19. Score: 98. Notes: An employee drink and eggs were stored in a drink cooler next to beverages, highlighting the need for a designated area for employee items to prevent cross-contamination. Flies were observed near the mop sink, though pest control arrived during the inspection to address the issue. Three boxes of cheese were improperly stored on the walk-in cooler floor, requiring food to be kept at least six inches above the floor. Parsley and cheese were stored in a clear drink cooler intended for prepackaged items, and broken handles on this cooler and a walk-in freezer need repair. Additionally, broken tiles between the mop sink and the three-compartment sink require maintenance to ensure physical facilities are in good condition.

Sake Bomb. 4215 University Dr. Inspection: Oct. 17. Score: 97. Notes: The handwashing sink in the sushi area lacked soap, a critical violation promptly corrected by the manager providing soap. Four boxes of frozen meat were improperly stored on the walk-in freezer floor, emphasizing the need to keep food stored at least six inches off the floor to prevent contamination. Multiple pieces of equipment, including the sushi reach-in cooler, salad cooler, a tall reach-in cooler, and the walk-in freezer, had torn gaskets, and the walk-in cooler condenser was leaking.

Sam’s Club 4831 Club Cafe. 4005 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Sept. 20. Score: 98.5. Notes: The handwashing sink in the sushi area lacked soap, a critical violation promptly corrected by the manager providing soap. Four boxes of frozen meat were improperly stored on the walk-in freezer floor, emphasizing the need to keep food stored at least six inches off the floor to prevent contamination. Multiple pieces of equipment, including the sushi reach-in cooler, salad cooler, a tall reach-in cooler, and the walk-in freezer, had torn gaskets, and the walk-in cooler condenser was leaking.

Sitar Indian Cuisine. 3630 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Oct. 29. Score: 96.5. Notes: A pitcher was improperly stored in the warewashing room handwashing sink, which must be reserved for handwashing only; this issue was promptly corrected. Several dry food containers lacked labels, especially for items like oils, spices, and flour, necessitating consistent labeling practices. Flies were observed in the kitchen, emphasizing the need for improved pest control measures. General cleaning was needed on the outside and bottom of the freezer near the ice machine and inside ovens, while the refuse area behind the dumpster required cleanup to prevent pest attraction. Broken or missing wall tiles in the kitchen and debris behind equipment indicated maintenance and cleaning issues. Additionally, efforts to remove or replace broken equipment like stoves and freezers were noted. Lighting in the employee restroom was insufficient, requiring bulb replacement and increased intensity at the hand sink.

Starbucks Coffee. 4010 Chapel Hill Blvd., Ste. 100. Inspection: Oct. 21. Score: 99.5. Notes: The establishment lacked a required written procedure for handling vomiting and diarrheal events to ensure proper sanitation and employee safety. This was addressed by providing the plan via email. Additionally, two cartons of milk were found in the reach-in cooler with missing tops, posing a risk of contamination. All food items must be stored covered to prevent exposure to contamination.

Subway. 2405 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Oct. 15. Score: 95. Notes: The Person in Charge (PIC) is not a certified food protection manager, and certification must be completed to comply with food safety regulations. Cold holding violations were noted, with items like lettuce, veggie patties, and chicken salad exceeding 41°F; some items were discarded, and others moved to the walk-in cooler while repairs are awaited. An employee was observed wearing a watch during food preparation, which is prohibited. Equipment issues included a hand sink hanging off the wall and rusted shelving above the 3-compartment sink. Plumbing problems included no air gap under the prep sink, a leaking faucet, and damaged fixtures at the 3-compartment sink, all requiring repair. The dumpster lacked a drain plug and had open side doors, violating waste handling standards. Physical facility concerns included cracked floor tiles, a ceiling hole, damaged baseboards, and stained ceiling tiles, which need repair and cleaning.

Subway. 4600 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Sept. 5. Score: 98. Notes: The Person in Charge (PIC) does not have a valid ServeSafe certification, which is required for someone with supervisory responsibility to be present during all operating hours. Cold holding violations included turkey, ham, and mixed cheese in the make line above 41°F, along with all TCS foods in the walk-in cooler. These items were addressed by moving them to the walk-in, and verification for cooler repairs is scheduled in three days. The reach-in cooler lacked an ambient air thermometer, and labeling was missing on containers of salt and cinnamon. Equipment issues included a non-functioning ice machine at the back and the walk-in cooler struggling to maintain a consistent temperature during the inspection, likely due to a recent food delivery. The cardboard dumpster was observed uncovered and missing a drain plug, which must be addressed to comply with waste management standards.

Subway. 5450 New Hope Commons Dr. Inspection: Nov. 13. Score: 99. Notes: First, no staff on-site at the beginning of the inspection were ServeSafe certified, a repeat violation. It is mandatory for the Person in Charge (PIC) to be a certified food protection manager, and the establishment is encouraged to have multiple staff members certified to ensure compliance at all times. Second, a sanitizer bucket was improperly stored near a slicer, posing a risk of contamination to food and equipment. The bucket was relocated to a safe storage area on a lower shelf away from any potential contamination. Both issues were addressed during the inspection.

Tasu Noodle Bar. 3307 Watkins Rd., Ste. 100. Inspection: Nov. 5. Score: 97. Notes: First, the dish machine was not properly sanitizing, with a reading of 0ppm chlorine, a repeat violation. Chemical sanitizers must meet EPA-registered label instructions for concentration, temperature, and application to ensure proper sanitization. The dish machine was primed during the inspection to correct the issue. Second, shrimp and peas were found uncovered in the reach-in freezer, exposing them to potential contamination. Food must be stored in a clean, dry location, covered, and kept at least six inches off the floor. Improvements were noted, but full compliance is required. Lastly, two metal pans were being used to store chicken directly on the walk-in floor, which is not in compliance with sanitation standards. Food storage should use approved shelving certified for sanitation to ensure cleanliness and durability.

Thai Cafe. 2501 University Dr. Inspection: Sept. 16. Score: 97. Notes: An employee beverage was improperly stored on the makeline spice cart, violating guidelines that beverages must be covered and stored in designated areas to prevent cross-contamination. The handwashing sink was misused for thermometer calibration, emphasizing the rule that these sinks are exclusively for handwashing. Several food containers, including spices and sugar, were found unlabeled, and bulk food items such as soy sauce, broccoli, and noodles were either uncovered or stored directly on the floor. All food must be labeled, covered, and stored at least six inches off the floor to prevent contamination. In-use utensils, including tongs, knives, and bowls, were improperly stored, with some lacking handles, increasing the risk of contamination. Lastly, there was a buildup of residue on the gaskets of the low-reach coolers on the makeline, which must be cleaned regularly to maintain hygiene. Immediate corrective actions, including education, labeling, and cleaning, were implemented during the inspection.

The Refectory Cafe. 2726 Chapel Hill Blvd. Inspection: Oct. 9. Score: 97. Notes: Seasoned potatoes were found holding below the required temperature of 135°F for hot holding and were discarded. In the walk-in cooler and flip-top unit, ready-to-eat foods were holding between 42°F and 45°F, above the safe limit of 41°F, with sausage patties stacked too high. Cold holding violations, such as these, pose a risk for Listeria growth, which can lead to severe health issues. Deli ham dated 9/18 had not been discarded within the 7-day limit for potentially hazardous foods, resulting in its disposal. Additional issues included a box of potatoes stored on the floor near the back door, violating the requirement to store food at least six inches off the ground, and wiping cloths left wet on prep surfaces or in sanitizer with an inadequate concentration, which increases the risk of bacterial contamination. Lastly, a cell phone was improperly stored on a shelf above clean plates near a sandwich cooler, underscoring the need for personal items to be kept in designated storage areas away from food and food contact surfaces. Corrective actions were taken during the inspection, including discarding food, adjusting practices, and educating the staff.

Top’s China Restaurant. 1205 University Dr. Inspection: Oct. 11. Score: 96. Notes: During the inspection, chicken wings on the prep table were found holding at unsafe temperatures of 90-95°F, below the required 135°F for hot holding. The wings were reheated to 165°F and properly hot held. A significant pest issue was noted, with roaches observed in the gasket of a low reach-in cooler and on single-service to-go bags. Pest control was contacted, and increased visit frequency was discussed. Sanitizer concentration in the only available bucket was at 0ppm, far below the required 50-200ppm, compromising cleaning effectiveness. Additionally, non-food contact surfaces such as walk-in cooler gaskets and the grease catcher under the oven were dirty and need more frequent cleaning. The trash dumpster was found with its lid open, a repeat issue, which could attract pests and should be kept tightly closed. Corrective actions were initiated for each issue, with continued improvements required.

Trosa West Kitchen. 1820 James St. Inspection: Oct. 23. Score: 98. Notes: During the inspection, the handwashing sink lacked paper towels, a violation quickly corrected by supplying disposable paper towels. Multiple time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods on the buffet, including hard-boiled eggs (56°F), sliced meat (47°F), and salsa (65°F), were holding above the safe cold holding limit of 41°F. Employees added more ice and moved the foods to the walk-in cooler within an hour to address the issue. A broken three-door cooler was noted and must be repaired to maintain proper function. Plumbing issues at the three-compartment sink included leaks in two faucets and the chemical dispenser, along with a faulty drain. Repairs are necessary to maintain compliance. Additionally, greasy and dusty buildup was observed on the ceiling and vents above the cook line, requiring cleaning and more frequent maintenance to prevent contamination.

Two Brothers Commissary. 2000 Chapel Hill Rd., Ste. 42. Inspection: Nov. 13. Score: 97. Notes: During the inspection, no certified food protection manager was present, as the Person in Charge’s ServeSafe certification had expired. Visible buildup was found on food contact surfaces, including hand mixer blades and a microwave, which the PIC cleaned during the inspection. Date marking violations included hot dogs and cooked lengua stored without dates; these were corrected by marking appropriate dates. Pest concerns included gnats in onion bags and a roach in a low cooler, requiring improved pest management services. A dented can of pineapple was found on a dry storage shelf and discarded. Equipment issues noted included a malfunctioning freezer and missing knobs on two cooking ranges, though improvements were observed. Cleaning was needed behind the cook line and on walls and ceilings to prevent buildup. Employee jackets were improperly stored on sodas, highlighting the need for designated lockers or storage areas.

Urban Turban Indian Grill and Bar. 1125 NC Hwy 54 West. Inspection: Nov. 6. Score: 94. Notes: During the inspection, cold holding violations were noted, with several food items, including beef and goat meat, stored above the required 41°F. These were moved to cooler areas, and staff were advised to minimize walk-in cooler use in the hot kitchen. A chemical container was found stored with spices and relocated to prevent contamination. Opened and improperly stored food items, such as flour and corn starch, were observed, along with uncovered shrimp and chicken. In-use utensils without handles were improperly stored in bulk spice containers. Equipment issues included a torn gasket on a freezer and a scored cutting board that needs resurfacing or replacement. Cleaning deficiencies were noted in gaskets, under shelves, and on cooler bottoms. Trash and cardboard dumpsters were left open, and one lacked a required drain plug. Additionally, soiled walls and damaged structures near the stove and entry door were identified for cleaning and repair.

Wingstop. 7104 NC Hwy 751. Inspection: Nov. 6. Score: 94. Notes: During the inspection, multiple issues were identified, including an employee drink stored above the prep sink, buildup in the ice machine, and ranch dressing in a reach-in cooler above 41°F. Cooling methods for ranch and blue cheese were improper as they were tightly covered during cooling. Sanitizer buckets were unlabeled but corrected on-site. Between-use utensils were improperly stored without time labeling, and the walk-in door lacked a handle cover and was not self-closing. Nonfood-contact surfaces across the facility had significant buildup, including on shelving and equipment. Plumbing maintenance issues included missing dates on water filters for soda and ice machines, and the dumpster lacked a drain plug and had its door left open. Additionally, general cleaning of the facility and repair of damaged light bulb shields were required. Corrective actions included education, adjustments, and temporary fixes.