hope valley elementary school
Hope Valley PTA Seeks T-Shirt Sponsors
Send name, phone number, and business logo (or name) to hopevalleypta@gmail.com by Jan. 10 to secure a spot.
hope valley elementary school
Send name, phone number, and business logo (or name) to hopevalleypta@gmail.com by Jan. 10 to secure a spot.
[UPDATED with this editor’s note on Nov. 2, 2024: Any business that matches or exceeds the Southpoint Access contribution of $250 is eligible to get 30 days of free advertising on this site. Reach out to southpointaccessnews@gmail.com for details.] The Hope Valley Elementary PTA is rallying the
Do you find reporting like this valuable? Support Southpoint Access as a subscriber or advertising sponsor and make it possible to keep this information flowing to readers in our community! The Hope Valley Elementary PTA is off to a dynamic start for the 2024/2025 school year, launching several new
Hope Valley Elementary School celebrates teachers and staff the week of May 6-10, and the PTA has set aside Boosterthon funds for a catered breakfast and other events. But the PTA also seeks volunteers and donations to help with these activities. Appreciation opportunities include: * Catered lunch from Chick-fil-A. * Candy buffet
South Durham’s Hope Valley Elementary School Parent Teacher Association offers several opportunities and initiatives to help students and staff, from clothing donations to educational activities. Here’s a quick rundown on what was shared in the latest PTA newsletter: * Clothing Donations Needed for Front Office: Ms. Angie is seeking