They say there are three sides to every story: yours, mine, and the truth.
Well, there’s also several ways to watch the same movie if you look at it from the point
Who doesn’t love a movie with a dragon in it? I’ve been known to check out dragon flicks. There’s Pete’s Dragon (both versions), Dragonslayer, Dragonheart, Reign of Fire and
Life is like a road trip. Sometimes you’re flying down the highway with the tunes blasting, making good time and other times you’re stuck in gridlock traffic listening to agriculture news
The Terminator turns 40 this year. It came out in theaters in 1984 when I was in high school. I first discovered it’s b-movie brilliance on VHS at a friend’s house.
My love affair with nerd wear began early. I was 8 years old. It was the summer of 1977 and my Mom bought me a Star Wars T-shirt at the mall. Back then,