When I think of French movies, I think of Jean-Luc Goddard, Francois Truffaut, kids with red balloons, guys named Jules and Jim and that girl Amelie with an impish grin. I don’t
The legendary Dabney Coleman passed away recently at 92, leaving behind a legacy of unforgettable roles. His patented brand of snark and bravado will be missed. Coleman was THE character actor in the
It was the Summer of 1989 and in between Batman, Field of Dreams, Dead Poets Society, Ghostbusters II and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, along came Patrick Swayze as a philosophical bouncer,
It was 1977. My dad took me to the movies, which was a rare treat. My mom had friends over so it was boys’ night out. We hopped over to the General Cinemas
There was a time when I approached a Zack Snyder movie with a certain amount of enthusiasm, but now it’s with a mixture of morbid fascination and an impending sense of dread.