Three Durham Developments Move on from Planning

The Durham Planning Commission on Tuesday moved three development projects onward to City Council for consideration.
A fourth, though, was voluntarily withdrawn.
Howard Property

The most controversial project during the Feb. 11 meeting called for the development of more than 85 acres with 499 single-family, townhouse, and apartment units, as well as 12,000 square feet of commercial space. Five percent of the homes would be classified as affordable housing.
The property is along U.S. Highway 98 between Kemp and Southview roads. Neighbors opposing the development cite the need to protect seven streams on the property, some of which feed into Falls Lake. They also voiced concerns about traffic.
The Planning Commission voted 7-1 to send the Howard Property project on to the City Council, with Commissioner Kari Wouk the sole vote in opposition.
1202 Ellis Road

The commission voted unanimously to approve a recommendation to the City Council for rezoning this 1.24-acre area to residential suburban-multifamily to allow up to 20 single-family or duplex units. The property sits at 1202 Ellis Road, at the intersection of Ellis and Riddle roads.
Strauss Drive Townhouses

Commissioners voted unanimously to give a favorable recommendation to Strauss Drive Townhouses, which would be developed on 13.49 acres west of Strauss Drive. The zoning proposal, now going to the City Council for consideration, would designate the property as residential suburban-multifamily with a graphic development plan and commercial center with a graphic development plan. This would allow as many as 95 townhouses, detached rowhouses, multiplexes, or apartments.
Methodist Street Townhouses

This project along South Miami Boulevard would allow up to 18 townhouses. However, it was voluntarily deferred from consideration Tuesday night and sent back to planning staff. It's expected to be back on the agenda in April.
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