APS of Durham Pet of the Week: Bam Bam

Bam Bam is a black cat who has battled an upper respiratory infection and discovered a diagnosis of FelV. He’s timid, but brave. Because he’s FelV positive, Bam Bam should be the only feline friend in your home.
Here’s his biographical information, according to the Animal Protection Society of Durham:
Bam Bam is sweet and loving with a lot of joy in his heart. Even though he has tested positive for the Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), he is capable of living a full, healthy life. This virus can suppress his immune system, potentially making her more susceptible to other infections. While there is no cure for FeLV, with regular veterinary care cats can go on to live a relatively healthy and long lifestyle. The disease can be transmissible to other cats, but not to people or other species. Ideally, FeLV-positive cats should either live with other cats that have tested positive for FeLV to reduce the risk of spreading the disease, or in a single cat household. Thank you for considering opening your heart and home to such a sweet and wonderful as Bam Bam!