Durham Public Schools traditional-calendar campuses are set to open on Aug. 26. Schools in the South Durham area are holding open houses this week and many have released supply lists for families getting
The Battle for Bull City returns Aug. 21 as volleyball teams from Duke and North Carolina Central universities compete for the second year in a game to raise funds for the Boys &
Maurice “Mo” Green, 57, was born in New York City and currently lives in Greensboro. He’s earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and economics as well as a law degree
Breakfast and lunch are free for all DPS students this year. Menus are subject to change without notice. Aug. 21 is scheduled as a teacher workday. No school that day for students.
July 16, 2024
Beth Brizel (Summerfield), 69. Memorial service planned on Aug. 25 at Judea Reform Cemetery in Chapel Hill at 10:30 a.m.
July 29, 2024
Robert Dudley Greer Sr., 90.