Durham Logistics Center Planned for Next Year

Lovett Industrial, a Houston-based real estate investment firm, has closed on a 27.4-acre land site and is set to break ground on the Durham Logistics Center, a 351,030-square-foot Class-A industrial space in Durham, North Carolina.
Situated at a prime location near the intersection of I-85 and I-885, the Durham Logistics Center will have direct access to the transportation and logistics corridor that supports growth in the Sun Belt. The project will also provide convenient access to the Raleigh-Durham metropolitan area, including the Research Triangle Park, located 10 miles away.
The Durham Logistics Center will feature Class-A specifications, including a 36-foot clear height, a 7-inch reinforced concrete slab, 84 dock-high doors, a 185-foot-deep truck court, and 86 trailer parking spaces. Groundbreaking is expected in late August, with project completion slated for early in the fourth quarter of 2025.
“The Raleigh/Durham logistics market is one of the most attractive in the country for industrial investment due to high entitlement barriers to entry, continued population growth, regional connectivity, and the growth of life sciences and their logistical services. We are excited to bring this much-needed Class-A inventory to the market,” said Madison Jones, director at Lovett Industrial, in a news release.
“We’re thrilled to partner with Lovett on this highly anticipated Class-A industrial space. Given the limited recent deliveries, Durham Logistics Center is poised to meet the strong tenant demand in the RTP/I-40 submarket,” said Andrew Young, senior vice president of Colliers Raleigh, in the release.
Andrew Young, Hunter Willard, and Larry Lakins of Colliers will handle marketing and leasing efforts for the Durham Logistics Center. Comerica Bank is providing construction financing, and Harper General Contractors, based in Greenville, South Carolina, will serve as the general contractor.
The Durham Logistics Center is Lovett Industrial’s first industrial development in Raleigh/Durham and its second in North Carolina. The firm’s other North Carolina project, Orr Road, is a 280,200-square-foot Class-A industrial space expected to be delivered in the first quarter of 2025.
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