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Durham Public Schools Menus: Sept. 16-20

Durham Public Schools Menus: Sept. 16-20

Breakfast and lunch are free for all DPS students this year. Menus are subject to change without notice. NOTE: Sept. 17 is an early release day for year-round schools as they begin intersession. Year-round schools go back into session on Oct. 7.

Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade


Sept. 16

Sept. 17

Sept. 18

Sept. 19

Sept. 20

Breakfast in the Classroom

Sept. 16

Sept. 17

Sept. 18

Sept. 19

Sept. 20

Breakfast Kiosk

Sept. 16

Sept. 17

Sept. 18

Sept. 19

Sept. 20


Pre-Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Sept. 16

Sept. 17

Sept. 18

Sept. 19

Sept. 20

6th to 8th Grade

Sept. 16

Sept. 17

Sept. 18

Sept. 19

Sept. 20

9th to 12th Grade

Sept. 16

Sept. 17

Sept. 18

Sept. 19

Sept. 20

K-12 Afterschool Snacks

Sept. 16

Sept. 17

Sept. 18

Sept. 19

Sept. 20

Whitted School Pre-Kindergarten


Sept. 16

Sept. 17

Sept. 18

Sept. 19

Sept. 20


Sept. 16

Sept. 17

Sept. 18

Sept. 19

Sept. 20