Durham School Board Members Consider Governance Training

Durham School Board Members Consider Governance Training

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When the Durham Public Schools Board of Education meets for a work session on Thursday, members are expected to discuss a plan to hire a firm to provide governance training and communication facilitation.

It’s an initiative that district leaders say would enhance the board’s ability to support the mission of “embracing, educating, and empowering every student to innovate, serve, and lead.”

Scope of Services

The selected firm will offer training on governance frameworks, facilitate discussions to establish effective communication norms, and provide follow-up consultations. Services will be delivered to the full board as well as individual members or smaller groups.

What would it cost? That most likely depends on the duration of training, but some firms charge about $4,000 for half-day workshops, up to $70,000 for executive retreats, or long-term retainers for continuous support between $10,000 and $50,000.

Selection Process

The board has outlined the following timeline for selecting a firm:

  • Sept. 13, 2024: RFP issued and posted on the board’s website.
  • Oct. 14, 2024, 5 p.m. EST: Deadline for proposal submissions.
  • Oct. 15, 2024: Board members review submitted proposals.
  • Oct. 24, 2024: Board votes on a preferred firm or selects finalists during a board meeting.
  • Week of Oct. 28, 2024: Finalist interviews, if applicable, will take place during a special board meeting.
  • Nov. 7, 2024: Final selection of the firm at the board meeting, subject to contract negotiations.

Proposal Requirements

Firms are required to submit detailed proposals outlining qualifications, experience, training methodologies, and fee structures. References and examples of similar governance training projects are also necessary. Proposals will be evaluated based on experience, qualifications, and cost estimates.

Firms should submit proposals electronically by the Oct. 14 deadline. For information, contact Dr. Tanya Giovanni.

District Compensation Plan

The district’s also moving forward with its compensation plan, based on recommendations from Kerry Crutchfield, the interim comptroller who helped guide DPS through the classified pay crisis earlier this year.

Teacher Compensation

  • Teachers will see an average 3% increase in their compensation for 2024-2025, with a base salary increase from $45,450 to $46,250 annually.
  • A local supplement of $800 per year ($80 per month) will also be added, at a projected cost of $3.1 million.
  • Additional steps will be advanced for qualifying instructional staff, according to state policies.

Classified Compensation

  • Classified employees are either receiving the remainder of a previously approved 11% salary increase from March 2024 or a 3% state-legislated increase, whichever is higher.
  • A new classification system for salaries will be aligned with the state’s naming protocol, and future discussions may explore further adjustments based on years of service.

School-Based Administrator Compensation

  • School administrators will also receive a 3% average pay increase, with the current local supplements remaining in place. As with teachers, qualifying staff will advance a step in compensation.

Next Steps

  • The school board plans to communicate upcoming changes via emails and text messages to employees, while encouraging staff to review salary details and address concerns with Human Resources.

Other Agenda Items

The Board of Education also has several items on the consent agenda, which could all be approved in a single vote without discussion

  • 2024-2026 DTCC Articulation Agreement: This agreement will establish academic pathways and dual enrollment opportunities between Durham Public Schools and Durham Technical Community College. It is designed to benefit students by providing clear avenues for earning college credits while still in high school, supporting smoother transitions to post-secondary education.
  • Revision of Strategic Plan Goal 2B: The board will review and potentially approve revisions to one of its key strategic goals, ensuring that the district’s long-term plans align with current needs and challenges. This revision reflects an ongoing commitment to refining the district’s objectives in support of student achievement and equity.
  • CCTI Wake-Durham MOU: The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Career and College Technical Institute (CCTI) and DPS is up for approval. This MOU outlines the partnership between Wake and Durham to provide technical education, ensuring that students in both districts have access to high-quality vocational training and job readiness programs.
  • Districtwide Blinds Replacement Contract: A contract with The Dize Company for replacing blinds across all district facilities will be considered. This improvement is part of ongoing efforts to maintain and upgrade the school environment to ensure comfort and safety for students and staff.
  • Contracts with HVAC Vendors (ESSER Funds): Another significant item is the approval of contracts with multiple HVAC vendors, funded by the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) program. These contracts are aimed at improving air quality and ventilation across school facilities, an ongoing priority post-pandemic to ensure healthy learning environments.
  • Resolution Honoring Governor Roy Cooper: The board will also vote on a resolution recognizing Gov. Roy Cooper for his contributions to the state’s education system and ongoing support for public schools.