Durham Shopping Center Won't Be "Revitalized" Yet

BrodyCo, the developer that in April had planned to build more self-storage units for Durhamites in the hopes of revitalizing Lakewood Shopping Center, is putting that on hold. But perhaps not indefinitely. Instead, the developers may return with alternative plans in the future.
That’s according to a letter sent to the community on Aug. 2.
“The rationale for the storage facility was to add an income producing use to the property which would minimize traffic flow, create little impact or disruption to the neighbors and infrastructure, all while supporting the center’s transformation to a first-class and re-energized retail destination,” the letter states. “After further thought and discussion we have decided to pause our revitalization plans.”
The development team indicated that it wants to develop an “economically sustainable vision” for the shopping center.
“Our team has a proven commitment to partnership and collaboration, and we will continue to listen to our neighbors, architects, and planners as we move forward with this process,” the letter states. “We are proud of our past and excited for what we can do to bring new life to this corner of our community.”