The City of Durham on April 3 switched on what’s called a pedestrian hybrid or HAWK (High-Intensity Activated crossWalK) beacon near Garrett Road and Hope Valley Road at Jordan High School.
“These types of pedestrian treatments are designed for mid-block crosswalks on high-volume roadways,” said Leslie Tracey, a city transportation engineer.
How the HAWK Signal Works

The top of the beacon features two red lenses above a single yellow lens. All lenses remain dark until a pedestrian pushes the call button. This starts a sequence from yellow to red, with flashing lights that direct motorists to slow and stop so that pedestrians get right of way to cross. Then it goes dark again.
According to the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, about 74% of pedestrian fatalities occur at non-intersection locations.
“As a safety strategy to address this pedestrian crash risk, the PHB is an intermediate option between a flashing beacon and a full pedestrian signal because it assigns right of way and provides positive stop control,” the FHWA states. “It also allows motorists to proceed once the pedestrian has cleared their side of the travel lane(s), reducing vehicle delay.”
The beacons are used where it’s difficult for pedestrians to cross, without frequent gaps in traffic or when speed limits exceed 35 miles per hour. They’re deemed most effective at locations where three or more lanes will be crossed or where annual average daily traffic volumes exceed 9,000.
Beacons Across Durham
The city currently operates five HAWK signals. Besides the new signal near Jordan High School, beacons can be found at:
- Duke Street and Corporation Street.
- Gregson Street and Lamond Street.
- Guess Road at the Ellerbee Creek Trail Crossing.
- NC Hwy 54 at Research Triangle High School.
The next beacon, Tracey said, is scheduled for construction on Cameron Boulevard at Frank Bassett Drive near Duke University’s sports fields.