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A developer plans to build as many as seven townhouses or detached rowhouses at 3112 S. Alston Avenue, according to a rezoning application submitted by Triangle Wholesale Buyer LLC. The property, currently split between office and institutional and rural residential zoning, is slated for a rezoning to OI(D), which would limit the use to residential purposes only.
Residents and property owners are invited to a virtual neighborhood meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 6 to 7 p.m. to learn more about the proposal. This follows a previous neighborhood meeting held in May 2023, where initial plans for the development were discussed.
The rezoning request has undergone several revisions based on feedback from the Durham Planning Department, with the most recent submission in July 2024. Residents can join the meeting online or by phone, with details provided in the official meeting notice.
For information, contact Mike Klein, the planning consultant for the project, at (919) 368-4305 or by email at