[SoDuWe Poll Results] Youth Activities in South Durham
![[SoDuWe Poll Results] Youth Activities in South Durham](/content/images/size/w1200/wordpress/2024/02/spapollresults.png)
Southpoint Access recently asked readers to share their insights and experiences regarding youth activities in South Durham. The results:

Half the respondents indicated that their family participates in youth sports and other activities at least once a week. A third are involved in activities once a month. Nearly 17% reported that they’ve got something going on for their kids on a daily basis.

Half reported that their children participate in sports, while the other half represent a mix of arts and crafts, educational programs, and other activities.

Nearly 67% felt that South Durham’s youth activities are accessible and inclusive to all, with the rest evenly divided between feeling that those activities either are totally accessible or not at all.
Most respondents are at least somewhat satisfied with youth activities in the area, but indicated plenty of room for improvement.
Respondents want to see:
- More cost-effective activities.
- More activities for babies and toddlers, particularly closer to the Streets at Southpoint.
- More weekend options for events and intercession camps.
- Sliding scale for activity costs.
- More inclusivity for youth with disabilities.
Thanks to everyone who shared their insights!
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