Hope Valley PTA Seeks T-Shirt Sponsors

Hope Valley PTA Seeks T-Shirt Sponsors
Hope Valley Elementary PTA seeks sponsors for the Boosterthon shirts.

The Hope Valley Elementary School PTA wants local Durham businesses to sponsor T-shirts that'll be worn by more than 550 students during the upcoming Boosterthon.

Tax-deductible options include:

  • Name Ad ($250): Business name on back of T-shirt, recognition on the PTA website and newsletter, 15% custom apparel discount from Booster Gear.
  • Regular Ad ($500): Medium ad on back of shirt, sponsor logo placed on PTA website and newsletter, apparel discount.
  • Premium Ad ($750): Large ad on back of shirt, sponsor logo on PTA website and newsletter, apparel discount.

Send name, phone number, and business logo (or name) to hopevalleypta@gmail.com by Jan. 10 to secure a spot. Send donations via PayPal or by check (contact the PTA treasurer at hopevalleytreasurer@gmail.com).